J Kim, J Choi, S Lee, A review of rare earth elements recovery from Bastnaesite ore: From beneficiation to metallurgical processing, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy (2025)
AB Botelho Jr, H Peng, J Kim, Membrane application in hydrometallurgical processing, JOM (2025)
J Kim, R Kim, KN Han, Advances in hydrometallurgical gold recovery through cementation, adsorption, ion exchange and solvent extraction, Minerals, 14, 607, 1–20 (2024)
S Wang, J Kim, T Qin, Mineral carbonation of iron and steel by-products: state-of-the-art techniques and economic, environmental, and health implications, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 81, 102707, 1–15 (2024)
J Kim, G Azimi, Selective precipitation of valuable metals from steel slag leach liquor: experimental and theoretical approaches, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, 305–314 (2024)
J Kim, H Liu, G Azimi, A comparative study of thermodynamic modeling and experimental measurement of precipitation titration curves for single- and multi-component sulfate systems, Hydrometallurgy, 219, 106080, 1–12 (2023)
KN Han, R Kim, J Kim, Recent advancements in hydrometallurgy – solubility and separation, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2023)
J Kim, G Azimi, Selective precipitation of titanium, magnesium, and aluminum from the steelmaking slag leach liquor, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 180, 106177, 1–8 (2022)
J Kim, G Azimi, Supercritical carbonation of steelmaking slag for the CO2 sequestration, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, 565–571 (2022)
J Kim, G Azimi, The CO2 sequestration by supercritical carbonation of electric arc furnace slag, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 52, 101667, 1–11 (2021)
J Kim, G Azimi, Valorization of electric arc furnace slag via carbothermic reduction followed by acid baking – water leaching, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 173, 105710, 1–12 (2021)
J Kim, G Azimi, The CO2 sequestration by supercritical carbonation of steelmaking slag, In Proceeding of the 7th International Slag Valorisation Symposium, 113–117 (2021)
J Kim, G Azimi, Valorisation of steelmaking slag using carbothermic reduction followed by acid baking – water leaching, In Proceeding of the 7th International Slag Valorisation Symposium, 109–112 (2021)
J Kim, G Azimi, Recovery of scandium and neodymium from blast furnace slag using acid baking water leaching, RSC Advances, 10, 31936–31946 (2020)
J Kim, G Azimi, Technospheric mining of niobium and titanium from electric arc furnace slag, Hydrometallurgy, 191, 105203, 1–10 (2020)
J Kim, G Azimi, An innovative process for extracting scandium from nickeliferous laterite ore: Carbothermic reduction followed by NaOH cracking, Hydrometallurgy, 191, 105194, 1–11 (2020)
G Azimi, J Kim, V Scipolo, E Malfa, Methods for recovering a target metal from iron or steel slag using at least one of a carbothermic reduction process and a pyro-hydrometallurgical process, International PCT Patent Application N° PCT/CA2020/050410.
R Kim, H Cho, J Jeong, J Kim, S Lee, KW Chung, H Yoon, C Kim, Effect of sulfuric acid baking and caustic digestion enhancing rare earth elements recovery from a refractory ore, Minerals, 10 (6), 532, 1–19 (2020)
R Kim, H Cho, J Jeong, J Kim, S Lee, Strategy to recover rare earth elements from a low grade resource via a chemical decomposition method, Journal of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, 29, 1, 17–24 (2020)
J Kim, G Azimi, Acid baking water leaching of electric arc furnace slag for the recovery of niobium and titanium, In Proceeding of Processing of Critical Materials. Conference of Metallurgists 2020. The Metallurgy and Materials Society, 809166 (2020)
J Kim, G Azimi, An innovative process for extracting scandium from nickeliferous laterite ore, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, 129–139 (2020)
J Anawati, R Yuan, J Kim, G Azimi, Selective Recovery of scandium from nickel laterite ore by acid roasting - water leaching, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, 77–87 (2020)
J Kim, J Anawati, G Azimi, Matrix complexity effect on platinum group metals analysis using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 33, 1310–1321 (2018) Featured on the Cover of the Journal
J Kim, H Cho, KN Han, Leaching behavior of U and V from a Korean uranium ore using Na2CO3 and KOH, Geosystem Engineering, 17, 113-119 (2014)